Rabu, 28 Desember 2011

The Benefits of a Mid-Range Medical Aid Plan

There is no substitute for proper health care and investing in your future health, and thus when it comes to choosing the right medical aid plan you will need to think carefully about which one will suit your needs and your pocket.

When it comes to medical aid plans there are three basic ones that you will need to choose from. These are basic entry level plans, mid-range plans and premium plans. All of these have their own pros and cons that you will need to be aware of before you make a decision.

And as with most things in life you will end up getting what you pay for in the end. And when it comes to protecting your health and the health of your loved ones you really do not want to skimp and go for the cheap option without doing your homework.

A lot of people find themselves in deep financial trouble after a serious illness or dread disease because they did not properly plan for the future. This then adds further stress to an already stressful situation and can negatively impact on your health and recovery. Here is a look at the pros of investing in a mid-range medical aid plan to protect your health and wellbeing.

You Get What You Pay For

When it comes to medical aids you truly do get what you pay for, and thus if you end up going for the cheap option you will get basic health cover that will not be there when you need it most. But on the other hand a premium medical aid plan can offer you too much and in the end you might end up paying thousands for something that you do not need.

Thus the best option for most people is to invest in a mid-range medical aid plan. A mid-range plan offers quality medical care and assistance at a reasonable price. This means that most people will be able to afford this type of plan.

Thus if you are looking for comprehensive cover then your best bet is to invest in a mid-range medical aid plan for you and your loved ones. Thus you will be able to look after your health at a reasonable price.

Comprehensive Cover for Less

With a mid-range medical aid plan you will get comprehensive cover that will cover most illnesses and disease without having to cost you an arm and a leg. Thus if you are looking for more cover than just a basic plan for less than a premium plan your best bet is to go for the mid-range medical aid plan.

Just remember to take into consideration your medical history and pre-existing conditions that will need to be covered. All of these factors will affect your monthly premium in the end. Thus you need to make sure that you choose the right plan for your needs.

Rabu, 30 November 2011

The Difference Between Medical Aids and Health Insurance

Investing in the future of your health is imperative to having peace of mind for when you need it most. Thus you need to make sure that you invest wisely and that you plan ahead for when the unforeseen happens.

But planning for your future health is not as easy as it might seem, as there are a lot of factors to take into consideration. Firstly you will need to choose between a medical aid plan and a health insurance plan. Both of these have their own merits and also their own cons that you will need to be aware of.

Here is a brief look at the difference between a medical aid plan and health insurance and what they can offer you to give you peace of mind for your future health and wellbeing.

Why You Need a Medical Aid

A medical aid will give you peace of mind for when you get sick that you will be able to pay for your treatment and that you will be well looked after. It will provide you money and treatment for when you need to go to the doctor or the dentist or even when you need serious medical attention.

Thus paying a monthly fee towards your medical aid will pay off in the end when you get sick and need to be hospitalised and treated. Thus paying in every month will pay off when you need it most. Otherwise you might find yourself in deep trouble when you can least afford it.

A lot of people think that paying for it every month is a waste of time and that they will be able to save a lot of money by not having a medical aid. But this cannot be further from truth because when you need it most you will be covered by your medical aid, and if you need serious treatment all those months of paying in will definitely pay off in the end.

What Health Insurance Can Offer You

Health insurance is different form a medical aid in that it only covers specific treatments and illnesses and you will be able to choose which ones you want cover for. This means that health insurance can end up being much cheaper than a medical aid, but it also means that you will not be guaranteed cover for all medical treatments and illnesses and that you might have to end up paying for them yourself.

Thus you very carefully need to consider what your medical need are before you decide on which one you will want to use. If you do not get sick very often you might want to invest in a health insurance plan that gives you cover for medical emergencies only. This way you will still be covered and you will end up saving a lot of money each month.

Kamis, 10 November 2011

The Importance of Immunization Awareness

As summer winds down and you enjoy the remaining warm weather this autumn, keep immunization awareness in mind. While getting a shot may not be your most relished errand, it is going to be a whole lot more pleasant than ending up with measles, diphtheria, rubella, or any of the countless other completely preventable diseases that Americans still suffer from every year. Take time this fall to ask your doctor what immunizations you and your children should be getting to stay protected.

Back to School Protection 
As you get your kids ready for back to school, remember that you're sending them off to be exposed to tons of people (which is great) and all of the germs those people potentially carry (which is not so great). Childhood vaccinations follow a very strict schedule, so staying up to date will be fairly simple as long as you are aware of what they need. Children under six require a series of shots that give them protection against measles, polio, chicken pox, and hepatitis. Once they are in their preteens, at age 11 or 12, they will have to get shots for tetanus, diphtheria, whooping cough, and meningitis. Pre-teens and teens should also be immunized against HPV (or human papillomavirus). Teens of age 16 need booster shots for meningitis.

Adults Need Shots Too 
If you have kids, your health may not always get enough attention, but in order to keep taking care of them, you have got to stay healthy too. Every 10 years, you should be getting a booster to protect you against tetanus and diphtheria. It can be tough to remember, because you probably don't have a school reminding you what you need in order to reenroll, but if you feel as though it has been almost ten years, you should check with your doctor to see if it is time. And, if you are 65 or older, you should have already gotten a one-time pneumonia shot.

The Importance of Preventative Care 
Those that stay the healthiest are oftentimes those that invest the most into their health before problems develop. Thanks to the developments of modern medicine, disease and illness prevention is easier than ever. The sicknesses that used to haunt the nation, like polio, small pox, and influenza, now really never need to occur, so long as we take the time to get the shots we need. With most health insurance plans, immunizations are not only offered but encouraged, as being properly immunized saves money in the long run by keeping your healthy. So, this fall, stay smart and protect yourself with the right immunizations.